Monday, May 7, 2012

Rrrrready to Rumble! (Roller Derby Review)

I love Roller Derby! It's like high contact football except that it's not boring and the focus is on women. The strength, the dexterity and the fun <3 It's unabashed picking up the gloves of rock 'em sock 'em badassery. I want in!

I'm thinking Steeletto will be my Roller Girl name. That or Masterhater (tee hee). Of course, the only thing standing between me and Roller Derby stardom is learning how to skate. I know, I know - in the land of hockey and ice how do I not know how to skate?! It's not that I can't, it's just that I'm very bad at it. Of course if I had known when I was younger that there was a sport that would let me wear fishnets, sparkly short shorts and leopard print knee pads I probably would have practiced more.

The rules are a little tricky to grasp so I'm not going to attempt to explain them but direct you to Winnipeg's Official Derby website.

Currently Winnipeg has three teams: The Corporation, Valkyries' Wrath and Backseat Betties. Saturday night's match had The Corporation face off against V's W. I don't have a favourite team but decided that I would cheer for the Valkyries'. Gotta support that Norse mythology. It was a good choice in the first half as they creamed the corporation. Bodies were flying everywhere and their Jammer was lapping the pack like it was the easiest thing she'd done all day.

The halftime show was a bout featuring the Junior Derby league. Uncoordinated but cute, if these gals keep practicing they are going to be vicious when they graduate to the older league. 

Second half saw The Corporations' blockers form a wall that the V's could not get past, no matter how hard they tried. There was a lot less body checking going on, you could tell the teams were tired. My personal V.I.P. of the game, Pintsized Poison, led the Corporation to catch up and then take the lead. Her number, 4'11" is her height (I'm assuming, she's tiny), but her and Kris Myass were scoring points to match the fervour of the V's in the first half. Pintsize got sent to the penalty box at least a dozen times because she was not afraid to hit - girls twice her size were going flying when she connected with them! It was a high energy excuse to yell. My voice is hoarse today but it was so worth it.

Next up: The Valkyries' Wrath vs The Backseat Betties on June 23rd. Be there or be square.

And for the record, no, I have not seen the movie Whip It.

Stayin' saucy,
Miss Scarlet


  1. Whip It's actually decent! Guess what my roller derby name would be?

  2. Hmmm ... I'm not coming up with anything witty. Something to do with Payne?
