Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tightlacing - Progress Report Number One

Entry the first on beginning to tightlace. <3

My goal is to work my way back to closing my 28" corset fully and comfortably at a gradual pace. Now, Do Not misunderstand me! When I say gradually I mean that most people take about 3-6 months to get accustomed to a 4" reduction, while wearing their corset for a minimum of a couple hours per day. Meg at Skirting The Issue wrote a great in depth article: How To Corset - A Step By Step Guide. My goal is to start wearing the corset I have every day. In the beginning it was easy enough for me to put it on for half an hour and take it off. It's not uncomfortable to wear though it is a teeny bit inconvenient to bend over. Mostly I found that I'm always doing things- running errands, going out, driving (which is possible while wearing a corset, just tricky) or going to the movies with friends. I haven't quite gotten comfortable enough to wear it for everyday activities but I'm sure I'll get there.

For more exact numbers, here's my January tally:

3rd-  ½ hr
5th- ½ hr
6th- ½ hr
7th- 1 hr
8th- 1 hr
9th- 20 mins
10th- 1 h 40 mins
11th-31st - 0 hours

A couple of things I learned the hard way: I am a huge suck during my period. I bloat so much and my cramps are so bad that I just want to curl into a ball and cry. And then I'm supposed to put a corset on my already aching back? I'm sure as I become more and more used to wearing a corset I won't think twice about having one on, however as a newbie I was definitely hyper aware of during that week and couldn't bear to wear it for very long. The week after that I came down with a chest cold and it hurts to cough up your lungs while also compressing them. Hence the lack of corset wearing towards the end of this month.

Yummy Yummy Inspiration <3

The one thing that really surprised me: SO ITCHY. This comes from having dry skin and it's super important to moisturize: I've read this fact so many times on informational corset websites but as someone who rarely even has to put moisturizer on my hands in the dead of winter it was certainly a wake up call. It was funny too because as soon as the corset came off my skin was fine and to the touch it didn't feel dry at all. Still, my new mini goal is to start applying lotion after I get out of the shower, which is the best time because you've cleaned away any dirt and debris that might get clogged into pores while rubbing the lotion in and because the warm water relaxes skin (think of the way your pores expand) so it locks in moisture better.

On a side note, my other goals of eating healthier and losing some weight are going to help with the waist reduction quite a bit. I am very much aware of the fact I'm the heaviest I've ever been and while I'm not over what my weight category states is unhealthy I haven't been playing a sport or taking a dance class. Working out just isn't as fun for me as doing a group activity. However, I've dedicated myself to working out more often by working out with a friend, reporting my work outs to this friend when we can't get together, and joining a dance class. More on that later.

Genetically my body is predispositioned to store fat in my stomach and thighs. Thank-you Mom and Dad. The down side of this is that any weight gain goes to my stomach first, which means I'm one of those unfortunate gals who looks like they're pregnant anytime I put on five pounds. Enter the corset! Even if I'm only wearing it tightened at the halfway point, the 2" reduction smooths out my torso beautifully.

So to sum it all up, January's Stats look like this:

-Longest time corset was worn: 1 hour 40 mins
-# days in a row corset was worn: 6 days
-total time spent in corset: 5 ½ hours

Not terribly impressive perhaps but definitely something to work at and improve upon. I'm optimistic that February will be twice as good.

Stay Saucy,
Miss Scarlet

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My First Ever Photoshoot

I was thinking the other day that a year ago I had never done burlesque and hadn't quite dipped my toes into modelling either. How the heck did it all happen? These are things that I'd been wanting to do for years and I'm so glad I finally got the ball rolling. So for posterities sake, and for anyone else who, like me, had no idea how to jump in, here's how I made my splash.

I was chatting with a friend over tea and we were both thinking of modelling and we'd both heard good things about a website that connects people in the industry. I'd heard about it through internet friends who were also interested in burlesque/pinups and modelling is a cool way to show off your burlesque outfits as you come up with them. So we both signed up for And what do you know, we were both messaged by Brad Mazur. He was looking for models for a project on eyes and we were looking for experience. After talking it over with him we decided that we'd do our first photoshoot together. We were both super nervous and a little awkward in front of the camera but he was easy going and knew his stuff, and he put us right at ease. And his project turned out really cool!

Eyes really are the windows to the soul. 
 © Brad Mazur (Mazography)

As a photographer for a first time model he was perfect. For days after the shoot I was on a creative high. So when he asked me if I'd be interested in working with him again of course I jumped at the chance! This time he was really playing with the concept of light and dark.

Since signing up for ModelMayhem I've met some really cool people including photographers, other models, hair stylists, make up artists and all the other behind the scenes people who are  super creative and good at what they do. I've also made some pretty rad friends. Seriously, no one loves playing dress up with you as much as another model or a photographer.

So there's how I did it; what's stopping you?

Saucily Yours,
Miss Scarlet

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Goal #3 - Waist Training

I have been in love with corsets since I was about twelve. Lately I've been reading up about tightlacing, a practice that serious corset lovers undertake. Okay, so mostly I've been drooling over corsets and pictures of ladies' waists, but I've also been reading articles and researching how to/health risks/benefits and so on. And the conclusion that all this has wrought is that I've decided to start waist training myself. As you can imagine since this is my blog you're going to be getting periodic updates on my progress so I figured I'd do an article on what exactly it is I'll be undertaking. So what's up with tightlacing and waist training and why is it different that just wearing a corset whenever you want?



  1. n. The practice of wearing a tightly-laced corset to modify one's figure and posture.

Waist training is also known as Tightlacing (click for Wikipedia article if you're still really unsure what I'm talking about). It is the practice of wearing and tightening a corset regularly so that your body slowly becomes tapered in the waist.  "It's like wearing a pair of high heels." -Meg of Skirting The Issue. I really like this analogy. Eventually you get used to 2" and move up to 3" heels. In this case a novice would order a corset 4 inches smaller than his or her waist size and wear it while slowing tightening it until the corset can be fully closed. Once you've achieved that goal you buy a corset that's 6 inches smaller than your natural waist size and the process is repeated.

What are the health risks? What are the benefits?

In laywomans terms here's a list of things to watch out for/be aware of when tightlacing:

-Better posture
-Better eating habits - eating foods that cause gas/bloating can cause discomfort while wearing a corset so the wearer tends to eat healthier
-This can also help with weight loss, clear skin, mood boosting etc. as a result of eating better
-Confidence. Personally when I wear a corset I feel beautiful. Add a dash of red lipstick and I'm unstoppable!
-The reshaping of the body is temporary. When the corset comes off the waist reverts to it's natural size.

-Possible Internal Organ Damage if you tighten too much, too fast. **It's akin to being wholloped in the stomach with a steel bar. Squeezing yourself into any shape that hurts is bad! It should be an obvious NONO** Literally go with your gut. Putting on a corset can feel a bit weird because you're not used to it but it should never hurt, be too hard to breath, pinch, poke, bruise, make your legs fall asleep etc. *extreme case

-Weakness of muscles or even atrophy of muscles unused to supporting the body without a corset *extreme case

-Exercise or activity requiring lots of movement can leave a wearer light headed and dizzy

-I've heard it said that corset wearers are slave to fashion. While perhaps less relevant now that corsets aren't an everyday garment it's still true someone who wears corsets regularly will have to plan outfits around their corset instead of picking a corset to casually amplify an outfit. And yet, the great thing about living in the 21st century is the choice I have as a wearer, not only in clothes but whether or not to wear a corset at all.

As with all of the above points I would like to note here that tightlacing SHOULD NOT be entered into lightly and without doing extensive research. The only way anyone could hurt themselves with a corset is to rush in and do something stupid. I'd also like to note that this little article here is not meant to be the be-all-end-all guide of information.

Have I grossed you out yet? If not here are some really great sources for more research and information.

The Long Island Staylace Association has a great directory of Medical Advice from an actual doctor who practices tightlacing herself. It's easy to read and she answers questions sent in from other tightlacers, so there's a good change that all of your questions are answered.

Lucy's Corsetry, a corset company based in the U.S., has a YouTube Channel called Bishonen Rancher and they have a list of videos under the title Physical Effects of Corseting. These videos are straightforward, clear cut and tell you everything you want to know but can't find on Google. This channel is amazing, especially for people wanting to get into tightlacing because they give you the facts without the naysaying, fingerwagging exaggeration that people who don't want to educate themselves about wearing corsets will give you.

Why the heck would you do something so crazy in the first place?

Besides the pro's and con's I listed above, tightlacing falls into the category of body modification. It's all about proportion. You can be really extreme, the way some people completely cover their face with piercings and others with tattoos. Or you can go about it in a milder approach- which I personally think is still pretty badass. I'm a huge advocate of body modification. I don't believe that anyone should be forced to get piercings or tatts to look cool but for me they've been milestones, meaningful, decorative, self affirming, confidence boosting and plain old awesome ;). I have wanted to wear corsets since I was twelve years old. If I'd been a more proactive or vocal about what I wanted teen I probably would have started wearing them sooner. But since becoming eighteen I've really spread my wings, and since becoming a burlesque dancer I've shed a lot of my inhibitions. Corsets are now something that's within my means of buying and acquiring and I have the stamina and determination to devote to them.

So let this delicious journey begin!

Saucily yours,
Miss Scarlet

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Winter Solstice - Happy New Year

~*~Happy Solstice~*~

"Whatever you dream you can do - begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.
Begin it now." (Goethe)

Maybe I'm a suck but I feel like there really is a fresh start waiting for people in the New Year. The only other times of the year that I truly feel like I can turn a new leaf are a) my Birthday and b) September (which, technically, is the school bound equivalent of New Years). However, I like to cheat a lil' bit. I use the time between the Winter Solstice and New Year's Day to create lists, compare goals and results and get a head start on any resolutions I come up with. That way come January I've already got a new exercise regime in place - or at least, that's the plan.

So to recap this year: How did I fare? Not so great. I had a wicked flu in February which turned into strep-like mono, accentuated by a toothache, and visually enhanced by a lovely full body rash that arrived because I took an antibiotic that reacts badly to the mono virus. As a result I had to drop a couple courses which pushed back my graduation date, was too exhausted to exercise and ... Holy Excuses Batman! Still, I managed to do some fairly awesome things when I take the time to think about it. Which I need to remind myself to do.
Year In Review:
R.I.P 2012 (2012-2012)

Biggest high five to myself: Performed burlesque for the first time last December.

- Not only performed Burlesque for the first time but have had several gigs over the past year. A couple of them were lucrative but all of them were fun! I think I've become addicted to the performance high.

-Made a TON of new friends. I consider myself to be more introvert than extrovert but this year I've come into contact with so many amazing people I can hardly believe it. Other performers, vintage style enthusiasts, strong willed and intelligent women & honest-to-goodness gentlemen. And the greatest thing is that all of us want to help each other along with our dreams. **Major shout-out to Miss Pamela Fox and her Foxy Shoppe bombshells**

-Organized my own show! Now THAT was a challenge. But Hallowe'en came and the show was phenomenal. I had so many great people who volunteered to help make the show a success. I think this was definitely my biggest accomplishment.

-Taught an introduction to burlesque class

-Started modelling: Take THAT body image issues!

-Finished off my final university courses! Look out degree, here I come!

-Kicked my writing butt by volunteering in a writing festival & having an article published in an online 'zine. BOOYAH

-And, oh yeah ... started this totally awesome blog. ;-)

Overall not too shabby. My general feeling of 2012 was that it definitely was not my best year, but upon some serious reflection I have to admit that I kicked some serious tushy. Now to bring that attitude with me into

It's a brand new year! So here is a brand new list of goals:

1- Get Healthy

Meaning get in shape (seriously, for the people who take the time to make lists, who doesn't have this written down?) and start eating better. I know that personally I need to take a class in order to motivate myself to exercise. It's more fun when I work out with a friend but it's even better when both my mind and body are engaged. I attempted a Zumba class this past fall and found it wasn't for me. This year I want to try something new again- like yoga or bellydancing- or find another place that offers pole fitness classes. I absolutely love working out on a pole. I feel sexy and fit all at the same time. Plus it's dancing so it doesn't feel like a workout until my abs start aching the next day. I've toyed with the idea of buying my own pole. If I could only convince my boyfriend he doesn't really need his damage deposit back ....

As for eating better I think I've hit white wine and junk food rock bottom in that department. More fruits and veggies are on my radar. Perhaps I should take a cooking class - I would eat way better if I made my own meals more often.

2- Write!

My dream for as long as I can recall has been to write a novel. Not necessarily the great Canadian novel, but a book that others can get sucked into the way I seem to melt into the lives of my favourite characters. It seems surreal to me that I've gone out and done burlesque but not written more than 50 pages. I've been writing and dancing for roughly the same number of years. This year I want to sit down and devote myself more seriously to the idea of an oeuvre.

I also want to start posting to this blog on a regular basis. One of my inspiring new friends over at Skirting The Issue has a great system of 5's. She posts every 5th, 15th and 25th days of the month. I think I'll try out this formula. Also, you can lookout for some cross posting between our blogs in the near future!

3- Tightlacing

I've got an entirely different post for this one. But's it's on the list.

4- Be A Grown Up

Move out. Be responsible. Eat ice cream for breakfast. Well, I'm lactose intolerant so maybe not ice cream. But you get the idea.

5- More Burlesque!

I've got troupes, costumes, group numbers and horror themes on the brain! Look out Winnipeg, this is going to be the year you will be taken by storm! 

Anyone else into the whole resolutions kick?

Stay saucy,
Miss Scarlet