Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August Aspirations

Recently I applied to be a participant in two events put on by the Central Canadian Centre for Performance. I wrote an entry for their online zine, KATALOG, and I applied to participate in their Alter Ego Pageant. I was invited to both of these events on Facebook. The lovely Lizzie Lala graciously passed the info along.

I sent in an article to KATALOG, the Official publication for the Central Canadian Centre for Performance. (It can be found at cccponline.net.) It was looking for "performance photos, videos and write ups about Altered Ego or extensions of the self in performance." I ended up sending in six or seven photos to go along with the article because it was so hard to choose just a couple!

The idea behind KATALOG is very cool. Instead of repeating everything the Zine says about itself on their website I'm going to quote parts of their Submission Call. "KATALOG is an online publication with video and sound capabilities which is dedicated to the practice of performance and live art."

The site doesn't say whether or not I'll be notified if they choose my submission or when the next issue is set to be published. I'll wait until Sept before sending them an inquiry. I was really nervous about sending in my entry as there are so many performers in the world who are both more established/polished and who are better known. But you never know if you don't try, so I screwed my courage to the sticking point and sent it anyways. If my article isn't published it'll make a good blog post. :-)
Photos taken from cccponline.net

I also entered the CCCP's Alter Ego Pageant, where contestants will be judged on their alter egos. The contest includes a talent and a beauty portion. The talent part is easy - one burlesque routine, coming up! The beauty bit? A "birthday/bathing suit" competition. Yikes! I don't know how I feel about the beauty portion of the event but I think I'm going to get creative and flaunt Miss Scarlet's beauty ideals. I don't know what those are, exactly, as they range from raunchy to classy and back again! The Pageant is to be held on Sept. 8th. I'll let you know if I'm selected to be one of the participants!

Saucily yours,
Miss Scarlet

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Two Words: Portable Shade

Screw fifty shades (of grey), it is way too hot outside - and not in a good way. This whole summer the only shade I've been craving is the kind that shields my poor, ghosty skin from the effect I like to call "lobstering". I don't tan, I blister. Return to white, repeat cycle. But it ends here! This summer my saving grace has been my umbrella. Ideally I would have a parasol but I'm on a budget and my 'brolly is pretty enough to pass as a parasol for now.

After a mild sunburn on my face and chest in the spring I decided to heck with this heat. I appreciate that others live for the summer months but I'm an autumn gal through and through. I still haven't found a sunscreen that is more than SPF 15, doesn't clog my pores and doesn't feel like I'm slathering my skin in margarine. And even if my skin is protected from burning I overheat quick. Enter the best idea ever: portable shade.

Parasols have been around for ages and have a lengthy history, but most people think 'Victorian' when they think of or see a parasol. The Victorian era saw the unprecedented rise in popularity of the parasol as a fashion accessory. A lady in that age wouldn't be caught dead with sun browned skin, it was a sign of having to work and therefore not considered to be genteel. They didn't have sunscreen and with the heavy weight of all the clothing they wore an extra shawl would have been unbearable. The parasol was the perfect accessory for a walk in the park.

Fashion has changed but pale skin or fake tans are becoming the thing again. And parasols today range from the classically simple to incredibly ornate. Skin cancer is a serious risk health risk, one that parasols can prevent- and with style. Whether you opt for an oriental paper style or lace trimmed with ribbons a lady can find the perfect parasol to accent her wardrobe.

Alternative model Amber Gabriel/Ghettoblaster by Cherry Photography, bringing the parasol back in style 

I love it when old fashioned ideas come back in style. I still get strange looks or people asking if I think it's going to rain- which, to be fair, is a legit question seeing as how I'm using my umbrella. But a lot of people have also complimented me on having such a brilliant idea. Especially when I'm waiting for the bus and there's no shade to be seen. Next summer I'll be sure to have a proper parasol and hopefully I'll be seeing a few more around town.

EDIT: I was going to wait to take a photo of me and my parasol before posting but a rather blustery day managed to turn my umbrella inside out and break one of the tines. A quick repair job should fix it right up but that's always a danger when you live in Winnipeg. It can get pretty windy, especially down town! However I'm still set on getting myself a pretty parasol for next year.

Stay Saucy!
Miss Scarlet

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Faery at the Forks

And here they are! A wonderful assortment of photos taken by the fantastic Dano Tanaka.

He was kind enough to format a couple of timeline pictures.
The picture on the right captures how I feel every time I wear this outfit.

 One of these two photos is my favourite ... I just can't decide which!

I feel mystical, magical and mysterious when I look at this photo.

Is it just me or do I look strangely like Kristen Stewart in the left photo??
It's creeping me out! ;-D

Saucily yours,
Miss Scarlet

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dano Tanaka: Photographer Extraordinaire

Miss Pamela Fox strikes again! This past June a mysterious photographer named Dano Tanaka contacted Miss Foxy via facebook to see if he could use her studio for a shoot. His gentlemanly charm- and tattoos- endeared him to her so she suggested on The Foxy Shoppe facebook profile that people like his page. I took a look, liked what I saw, sent him a message saying so and clicked 'like'. He took the time to thank me for my comment - and oh, I'm a burlesque dancer? Would I be interested in modeling for him? You bet I was! So wham, bam, thank-you ma'am - a date was set. The magical Miss Foxy brings people together.

Magical things always happen at The Foxy Shoppe

Dano and I met up at the Forks and walked along the river path and gardens. It's such a gorgeous place I'm surprised there aren't more people there taking pictures at all times. The pictures themselves have a very romantic feel to them, with long grass and flowers in the forefront and me in the distance. They're almost fairy like which made me giddy and excited when I got peeks of them on his camera. I can hardly wait to see the finished photos!
Sneak peak! More to come!

Dano is incredibly easy to talk to. He's full of stories regarding his travels and his work, as well as various people he's met and worked with since he started photography. He really put me at ease. I remember being  impressed with the way he worked. Not only does he have a knack for capturing the best angle but he was confidant about giving directions about how I should position my body when he wanted a certain look. Not hesitant, not bossy, just matter of fact and a true pleasure to work with. He's currently traveling across Canada for work but scheduled to be back in Winnipeg come September! Meaning: contact him now or you'll miss out on your chance to work with this awesome guy! Check out Dano Tanaka Illustrator on facebook. He's trying to get 1000 'likes' by the end of this year, so if you like his work- you know what to do!

This gorgeous photo is part of his Pin Up Marathon series in Edmonton, Alberta.

One of the things we talked about was how we're both just beginning to establish ourselves in our fields of choice and we agreed, at some point you just have to put yourself out there. It is incredibly exhilarating to do what you love. After spending the morning modelling for Dano I was so pumped I felt like I could take on the world. It's sometimes hard to remember this feeling when I get down on myself, as everyone does, but the sense of accomplishment I get when I model or do a show makes me soar. I never would have guessed five years ago that I could possibly do the awesome things I'm up to right now.

So don't just dream. Grab hold of them with both hands and mud wrestle those dreams into existence. As T. E. Lawrence said, "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible". Dangerous? My middle name.

Saucily yours,
Miss Scarlet