Miss Pamela Fox strikes again! This past June a mysterious photographer named Dano Tanaka contacted Miss Foxy via facebook to see if he could use her studio for a shoot. His gentlemanly charm- and tattoos- endeared him to her so she suggested on
The Foxy Shoppe facebook profile that people like his page. I took a look, liked what I saw, sent him a message saying so and clicked 'like'. He took the time to thank me for my comment - and oh, I'm a burlesque dancer? Would I be interested in modeling for him? You bet I was! So wham, bam, thank-you ma'am - a date was set. The magical Miss Foxy brings people together.
Dano and I met up at the Forks and walked along the river path and gardens. It's such a gorgeous place I'm surprised there aren't more people there taking pictures at all times. The pictures themselves have a very romantic feel to them, with long grass and flowers in the forefront and me in the distance. They're almost fairy like which made me giddy and excited when I got peeks of them on his camera. I can hardly wait to see the finished photos!
Sneak peak! More to come!
Dano is incredibly easy to talk to. He's full of stories regarding his travels and his work, as well as various people he's met and worked with since he started photography. He really put me at ease. I remember being impressed with the way he worked. Not only does he have a knack for capturing the best angle but he was confidant about giving directions about how I should position my body when he wanted a certain look. Not hesitant, not bossy, just matter of fact and a true pleasure to work with. He's currently traveling across Canada for work but scheduled to be back in Winnipeg come September! Meaning: contact him
now or you'll miss out on your chance to work with this awesome guy! Check out
Dano Tanaka Illustrator on facebook. He's trying to get 1000 'likes' by the end of this year, so if you like his work- you know what to do!
This gorgeous photo is part of his Pin Up Marathon series in Edmonton, Alberta.
One of the things we talked about was how we're both just beginning to establish ourselves in our fields of choice and we agreed, at some point you just have to put yourself out there. It is incredibly exhilarating to do what you love. After spending the morning modelling for Dano I was so pumped I felt like I could take on the world. It's sometimes hard to remember this feeling when I get down on myself, as everyone does, but the sense of accomplishment I get when I model or do a show makes me soar. I never would have guessed five years ago that I could possibly do the awesome things I'm up to right now.
So don't just dream. Grab hold of them with both hands and mud wrestle those dreams into existence. As T. E. Lawrence said,
"All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible". Dangerous? My middle name.
Saucily yours,
Miss Scarlet