Monday, April 29, 2013

Dem Resolutions

By now I'm sure people are either congratulating themselves on not making any New Years Resolutions or quietly not saying anything if the subject comes up to avoid having to admit that January might have been a good start but everything went downhill, fast.

The thing with resolutions is that you have to check in often and keep trying. So here's my check in: 

Resolution #1 - Get Healthy
This was your stereotypical "work out, eat healthy, lose weight" goal. So how's it going? Umm ... that's a good question. I feel like I've taken some steps forward and then taken a few steps back. This year I have:

-Signed up for hot yoga (love it!)
-Signed up for pole dancing (the aches! so worth it)
-Started making super healthy fruit and flax seed smoothies with almond milk

The Good: The smoothies have really helped me keep up with eating enough fruit and veggies. I usually have one apple and several servings of veggies throughout the day for an average serving of 1:3. Thanks to the smoothies it's now 3:3. I am definitely going to work on upping that serving ratio but I do have to give myself credit for the improvements so far. Also, as I usually do not eat breakfast EVER this smoothie is really easy on my stomach. Weight loss guides always advise eating breakfast as it kick starts your body's metabolism so Victory point number one!

The Bad: I haven't been cooking for myself at all. Well, not counting Ramen noodles. I eat a lot of Ramen noodles. I've been so busy running around lately that food has slipped to the bottom of my priority list. I'm looking forward to moving out though because then I'll be in charge of cooking and grocery shopping for myself. Meal planning here I come! So far the scale hasn't budged at all but I am feeling better on the inside which is it's own incentive. On the bright side I've fallen in love with which is a veritable found of good advice and tried and true recipes.

The Ugly: My thermos containers have mysteriously disappeared which means it's been impossible for me to bring tea to work. I find that I desperately need caffeine in the morning and have developed a really gross habit of consuming an energy drink between 10 am and noon. I don't even like energy drinks. Solution: Next paycheque I'm buying a new thermos.

 Resolution #2 - Write
I'm doing really well with this one, guys! Have you seen this blog? It's not only been frequent updates but they've been fairly steady too. Last year there was one month where I posted 11 articles, but then didn't have much to say for the following three months. So far Meg's system of three posts a month has been great. I don't keep myself to a super strict schedule (she often waits until midnight on the dot on the 5th, 15th or 25th to post her articles) but I've been doing roughly one article at the beginning, middle and end of the month. I find that with this schedule I'm really excited about blogging as it's not a chore when I've got extra posts lined up in the archives.
Another crazy awesome project I've been a part of this year has been 38. 38 is a science fiction audio play that was co-written by a group of crazy strangers that got together and just clicked. I've had so much fun honing my character, suggesting lines and laughing at the craftily worded come backs that go slinging around our writing group. This play will be performed in a dark room with the occasional computerized sound effect but mostly just our voice. We wanted to bring back the feeling of the good, old fashioned radio plays of yore when you could lie in your bed in the dark listening to voices coming from a box and let your imagination take you miles and miles away ... We will be performing our radio play at this years Keycon on Saturday, May 26th at 11 pm. If you can't come check us out (which you totally should) then I'm pretty sure we'll have a recording floating around somewhere. I'll try to get my hands on it and post it here for your aural pleasures.

As for that novel ... I'm still brainstorming. But it's coming, slowly, I can feel it.

Resolution #3 - Tightlacing
I've been kicking ass and taking in inches. See: Tightlacing Progress Report (TPR) #1, TPR #2 & TPR #3.

Resolution #4 - Grow Up
I'm moving out! I'm so excited. We found a wonderful two story house for rent which was not only bigger than the apartments we were looking at in our price range but also in a better neighborhood with grocery stores, bus routes and beautiful, beautiful trees. The fact that it's only two black away from my parents place means I won't have to hire a fleet of moving vans to move my stuff. ;-)

Resolution #5- More Burlesque!

I'm really pleased with the way 2012 is unfolding. I've got wonderful plans a'brewin' and I'm surrounding by creative and talented people brainstorming with me

So far there have been some really great events: Check out my upcoming posts on The Shamrock Shaker and Rockabetty's Sinphony of 50's Fashion. I've also got some photo shoot posts that I'm excited to share and a graduation party burlesque show in the works!

The verdict? I've kept 4 out of 5 Resolutions nicely and I haven't given up on those leafy greens yet. I hope your own resolutions have been going well, for those who made them! Let's keep at it!

Stay Saucy,
Miss Scarlet

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